Das für Samstag, 26.10.13, 15 Uhr vorgesehene Spiel im Nordeecup gegen RC Kituro fällt aus, da unser Gegner nach dem letzten Wochenende (Spiel gegen RC Boitsfort) keine spielfähige Mannschaft mehr hat.
Hier der Wortlaut des Schreibens:
Dear all,
As a result of yesterday’s game against Boitsfort, and during which we encountered some injured players and notably some front row players, it is with regret that the Kituro Schaerbeek Rugby Club will not be unable to travel Neuenhiem for the scheduled game this up and coming Saturday, Oct 26th .
We sincerely regret this and would like to apologise to Neuenheim for not being able to come and play the match.
N.B. During these last few weeks, in anticipation of these potential injuries, we have been trying to convince players from other clubs to participate in this competition where a wealth of experience can be attained but positive answers have not been forthcoming.
Again our apologies and wishing you all an excellent day.
Sportivement vôtre.
Luc van de Steene ROYAL KITURO RUGBY CLUB Avia – Schaerbeek Avenue des Jardins 50bis – 1030 Bruxelles Tél : +32 2 726.19.89 – internet : http://www.kituro.be